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Vunella sent this email to their subscribers on November 29, 2024.

Text-only version of this email

VUNELLA NATURALS OUR BIGGEST BLACK FRIDAY SALE EVER! up to 93% OFF SHAMPOOS BAR AND MORE! SHOP NOW + FREE ANTI AGING MOISTURIZER ON ORDERS $40+ VALUE $29.98 FREE Don't miss our biggest sale ever! SHOP BLACK FRIDAY! Shampoo Bars Conditioner Bars Bundles & Save Thank you for supporting Vunella Naturals We strive to provide a community of people who are excited about natural, plastic-free beauty products. Your participation is what fuels the revolution to make the world more eco-friendly! We are family-run business and emails are a crucial way for us to contact our readers and fans. We regularity provide store discounts, the latest videos, beauty tips, and updates from all of us at Vunella Naturals! From all of us at Vunella Naturals, thanks for your support!
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