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Today's top posts
I'm proud of myself because...
It doesn’t have to be a special occasion or event for you to be proud of yourself! You deserve to celebrate, no matter how big or
small the achievement, milestone, or progress. Today, we're dedicating this to sharing why we're proud of ourselves. M... See More
I'm new here!
Hi, my name is TequilaSunset. I want to know I'm not alone and actually cared for. I want to find the right people who knows what
it's like and how they handle it and doesn't judge me or dismiss me for my actions. I have been going through these real emotions
alone for almost 2 years and I'm stil... See More
The Mighty Passion.
There is a 90 year old gymnast, an 80 year old bodybuilder, and a 70 year old Yogi, who’s my mom. It doesn’t matter what age you
are. If you have an idea, if you have the confidence, and if you are determined, you will do anything you are passionate about.
Don’t let anyone stop you from doing wha... See More
Sunday Reminders ❤️
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SEPTEMBER 8, SUNDAY When you are going through too many things, it's hard to look on the good side of your life. But don't let
your struggles make you doubt the value of your life, don't let your losses make you forget how far you have come and all that you
have gained. Not all your days are beautiful, filled with happiness and sunshine. No, that's not how life works. But you can
always choose to trust the good days, for they will come again no matter what has happened, even if they seem impossible today.
Quotes Cafe
Sleepless nights
keeps striking. My brain is so busy trying to avoid the things that bother me by replacing them with obsessive midnight shopping.
At least this time it was for something that might be h... See More
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