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Today's top posts
A very different life
Feeling very nostalgic today. I've been going through a lot of old photos. And it hit me: My life has turned out so very different
than what I imagined. And it's so different form others my age. I could feel myself getting wrapped up in harsh judgment of myself
and my life. But I don't wish to do... See More
Chronic illness has put me in a different place in life than everyone else my age & | need to try my best to remind myself that it
is not something to be ashamed of. @myillnessmythoughts
Write a nature haiku with us.
Happy Earth Day! Let’s the start the week off with a little nature-inspired poetry, shall we? Haikus — a traditional, short-form
poetry type that originated in Japan — follow this syllable pattern: 5-7-5. ☀️Here’s the one that wrote: The sorbet sun wa... See
Guess who’s back…. lol
Monday’s Motivation Great to be back and able to download the app guys; i’m gutted i haven’t been able to get online especially
here! Building your confid... See More
Stress Bucket
Many of us on this app have a hard time when we are stressed out. This week, I'll be posting ideas that can help us cope when we
are feeling super stressed. I hope this helps! 🫶 See More
Stress BucKet Analogy @ Stressful events ill wp our bucket E-g. w«ErieS too ® Stress spills out Much Work, it our bucket gefs o
full €.9. Snapping ot our loved ones ® We have to find ways to fe\ease Some of ® Thesize of our the Stress ) 2.9 Hobbies bneket
(aw copac .@ ‘ ‘ will vary from person to pecson @cceative clinical. psychologist ©0r JulietYoung e
Swimming 🏊♂️
Went swimming, did 42 widths which was about 17 lengths of a 25m pool. Was really anxious before especially as not been to this
pool before. It was worth it - so tired! See More
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