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TOY OF THE YEAR AWARDS t Y4114 Earlier today The Toy Foundation unveiled the finalists for the 2023 Toy of the Year Awards and T&K
is thrilled to have three of our STEM kits recognized!
While our product offerings have become increasingly diverse in recent years, hands-on STEM toys are still at our core and our
finalists demonstrate this commitment to making fun and educational products that offer wholesome and engaging activities for
people of all ages.
YOU have the chance to decide who takes home the top prizes in the 2023 Toy of the Year Awards!
* Cast your vote for your favorite toys at www.toyawards.org.
* Share the news with your friends, family...everyone!
* Urge toy lovers everywhere to participate in this year's TOTY Awards program by voting for their favorite toys in each of the
17 product categories.
Voting is open until September 8, 2023, and the winners will be announced at the TOTY Awards ceremony on September 29, 2023,
kicking off New York Toy Fair 2023 at the Javits Center in NYC.
KAI: The Artificial Intelligence Robot
Category: Specialty Toy of the Year
Build KAI, your own AI robot! Using the KAI robotics app, assign movements and sounds to the robot's different functions and it'll
learn when and how to move. KAI refines its accuracy as it collects more data and users get a digestible, hands-on introduction to
AI and its importance, as well as a holistic understanding of advanced computing technology.
Click here to vote for KAI!
Tasty Labs: Wizard Potion Science Kit
Category: Creative Toy of the Year
wizard 2 le14ley scienceKit
Chemistry experiments you can drink! Follow the illustrated story of two young wizards-in-training as they mix up a series of
magic potions and discover real scientific phenomena in the process. A combination of pretend play and real science, this toy gets
kids' creative juices flowing with lots of yummy concoctions.
Click here to vote for Wizard Potion Science Kit!
TrainBots: 2-in-1 STEAM Maker Kit
Category: Vehicle of the Year
Put on your engineer's cap and build your own steampunk-style train robots with amazing steam effects! With two models to choose
from, watch your robot roll or walk with cool water vapor "steam" billowing from its chimney, lit up by a fiery orange glow thanks
to the included LED light. Move a few parts around to alternate between the two configurations.
Click here to vote for TrainBots!
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