Soft Serve Clothingclothinghoodies

Your {$32.47 CREDIT} is expiring

Soft Serve Clothing sent this email to their subscribers on April 30, 2024.

Hi Soft Serve Clothing,

Good News!

You have a {$32.47} in unused customer appreciation credit available to use on your next order. 

Bad News...

This unused store credit Expires in TOMORROW on 05/01!

Redeem this credit with your code at checkout: JC874
This credit is set to go away forever. Don't let your unused credit expire and go to waste!
Customer Support at Soft Serve Clothing

Text-only version of this email

Hi Soft Serve Clothing, Good News! You have a {$32.47} in unused customer appreciation credit available to use on your next order.  Bad News... This unused store credit Expires in TOMORROW on 05/01! Redeem this credit with your code at checkout: JC874 This credit is set to go away forever. Don't let your unused credit expire and go to waste! Kara  Customer Support at Soft Serve Clothing
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