Here’s a question I get all the time:
“Tim, how much does it cost to become a USCCA Member?”
Fair question, and I’ll tell you.
But, first, the far better question is:
“How much does it cost NOT to have a membership?”
Well, what does it cost NOT to be prepared if, God forbid, you or someone you love finds themselves the victim of a violent attack?
Where, instead of immediately knowing what to do and responding quickly and confidently…
There are unfortunate, life-altering consequences?
For me, that’s a price I’m just not willing to pay. And unthinkable that my loved ones should have to pay that price.
What’s more, if I’m ever forced to use my weapon in self-defense, there will almost certainly be a criminal investigation…
And, because there are people who hate the fact that you and I exercise our 2nd Amendment rights when we choose to carry a gun to defend ourselves…
Because even well-intentioned law enforcement can make mistakes…
Legal costs can run tens of thousands, even a hundred thousand dollars or more.
And who has that kind of money lying around?
It would require most of us to mortgage our homes or watch our retirement savings evaporate in mere weeks.
(If we have a home to mortgage or retirement savings at all!)
I shudder to think of the alternative…
After all, it’s not about the ODDS of something happening, it’s the STAKES if it does.
Now that we know what it costs NOT to have a membership, what does a membership cost?
As little as less than $1/day.
And even that’s fully refundable if you take advantage of my 365-day, 100% Money-Back Bulletproof Guarantee®.
And what do you get for less than the price of a daily cup of gas-station coffee?
The confidence of being prepared for the before, during, and after a self-defense incident…
And that includes self-defense liability insurance⁰ as an immediate and automatic benefit of membership!
Plus, if you’re really serious about being prepared to face a self-defense incident, I’m giving Platinum and Elite members $204 in free bonuses: