Why you MUST address mold 🌿 Our founder tells all + shares her insight
Primally Pure sent this email to their subscribers on September 20, 2023.
Healing isn’t linear, primally-pure.
And while it might feel extreme to talk about “healing” your living spaces, it’s truly how I feel. Our environments make up a majority of our exposure. So whatever’s in your living environment is what you’re exposed to – every single day.
You must heal it along with your body.
Here’s what I’ve learned: when it comes to mold, removal is essential, but prevention is just as important.
But there are a million different opinions. There are so many methods, procedures, products, and remedies that choosing a direction feels impossible.
I knew it was a decision I didn’t want to take lightly, so I kept at it until I felt like I had a thorough understanding. I wanted all the information to weigh on my own and make an educated decision.
Today I got to share the rest of my story about mold toxicity. I really wanted to give our community an unbiased resource with facts, helpful tidbits, and the biggest takeaways from my time spent researching + resolving mold toxicity.
The full post goes more in-depth, but here’s the short of what you’ll find on the Pure Life post:
→ You can support your body against mold toxicity + encourage its natural detox by:
- Leaving the moldy environment – your body can’t heal unless you leave. Until the mold is gone, your health is at risk.
- Working with a functional medicine doctor – I know this isn’t in everyone’s budget, but if you can find a doctor who is educated in mold toxicity, it will save you so much time and stress.
- Sweating more – simple and free! Many functional doctors will prescribe a sweat regimen to help detox your body.
- Eliminating common foods known to have mold – this one can be hard! Coffee, nuts, legumes, and many grains can contain mold spores. (If the coffee part freaks you out, don’t worry – check out the post for more info.) ;)
→ The best ways to resolve + prevent mold in your home:
- Physical removal of mold + thorough cleaning – many chemical processes for mold remediation don’t actually remove mold – they just kill it. But surprise: dead mold can still create toxins that spread through your spaces. Removal is the only concrete option.
- Proper ventilation and airflow – if you can, have an HVAC company assess your house to ensure adequate airflow. This is one of the best ways to keep moisture away.
- Take leaks seriously – if you find a leak, stop it at the source + thoroughly clean the area. Leaving moisture unresolved is just asking for mold growth.
- Stock up on air purifiers and plants – fill your rooms with clean air. Both options detox the air from VOCs (volatile organic compounds), mycotoxins, and more.
If you’re ready to dive in, check out the full post here. I’ll go into more detail + provide helpful tips and insight.
I’ll leave you with this: Mold removal is a huge undertaking (in both your body and home). But if I can help even just one person feel less alone and empowered with a starting point, I’m happy.
I hope you find this resource helpful.
In pursuit of vibrant health,
For an easy (+aromatic) way to keep your home clean, check out our home collection!