PLUS: Add a Taste of the 1830s to your Thanksgiving Table
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Last Chance for Early-Bird Savings on Christmas by Candlelight
Relish old traditions and create new ones as you watch demonstrations of classic Christmas projects, stroll through the decorated
Village and Christmas Tree Trail, listen to stories and live music, sample sweet treats, and more.
The festive fun begins the day after Thanksgiving, November 24th!
Time is running out to take advantage of the lowest prices of the season! Purchase tickets before Thanksgiving and SAVE $6 or more
per adult ticket compared to the at-the-door price.
Learn More & Get Tickets
OSV Members are also invited to join us for a members-only night of Christmas by Candlelight on November 26th, where up to three
kids (4-17) are admitted for FREE per adult ticket purchase!
Christmas by Candlelight
Decorating is in Full Swing!
'Twas the week before Christmas by Candlelight and all through the Village, plenty of people were working, and oh what a sight!
Dozens of wreaths were hung on the doors with care, and 2,000 feet of garland here, there, and everywhere. Staff and volunteers
were all busy putting up decorations galore; stockings and old-style gifts, Christmas trees, and other décor.
Get Tickets
Upcoming Hours of Operation:
The Village is currently CLOSED through November 23rd. The Village will be OPEN for Christmas by Candlelight on select evenings:
November 24, 25, 26, and December 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, and 30. Christmas by Candlelight runs from
2:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m.
Add a Taste of History to
Your Thanksgiving Table
Thanksgiving is a week away! Do you have your menu set yet? Similar to today, pie was a Thanksgiving staple in early 19th-century
rural New England. During this time, however, pie was more commonly eaten as a part of the main meal, rather than as a dessert
following a meal.
The pie baking and other Thanksgiving preparations often started even weeks in advance. In her book Oldtown Folk, Harriet Beecher
Stowe reminisced how the family would bake dozens of pies in the weeks preceding Thanksgiving, including pumpkin pies, cranberry
pies, plum pies, apple pies, custard pies, Marlborough pudding pies, and more. She also wrote about storing the pies long-term,
“A great cold northern chamber, where the sun never shone, and where in winter the snow sifted in at the window-cracks, and ice
and frost reigned with undisputed sway, was fitted up to be the storehouse of these surplus treasures. There, frozen solid, and
thus well preserved in their icy fetters, they formed a great repository for all the winter months; and the pies baked at
Thanksgiving often came out fresh and good with the violets of April."
On our website, you can find historical receipts (recipes) with modern translations for a number of pies and other Thanksgiving
favorites, including Marlborough pudding, apple and pork pie, cranberry pie, carrot pie, gourd soup, turnip sauce, and more.
View Receipts
Our shops also have a wide selection of Village-inspired spices, mixes, kitchen wares, and more! Current featured food items
* Specialty jams and jellies
* Honey from OSV bees
* Rose water
* Soup mixes
* Scone mixes
* Tea
* Spice mixes
* Flavored sugars
Shop Food Products
Exciting news! Old Sturbridge Village was voted "Best Museum" in the 2023 Best of Central Mass Choice Awards! Thank you to all who
voted for us.
As a nonprofit organization, Old Sturbridge Village depends on donors like you to deliver the best experiences and programming to
our community, as well as to preserve our historic buildings and collections.
With a donation of even $5, you can make a difference and help ensure that we can continue creating meaningful programs for
visitors throughout the year. We hope you will consider a donation today.
Donate Today
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Featured Fan Photo of the Week
Sheep in the Snow
Photo by Jamie Sauvageau, captured in 2022
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Send us your photo(s) here.
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