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Earlier this year we asked you, as well as your invited guests, to complete a short survey to provide feedback on North Point
Community Church.
Here are some highlights …
* 94% were very satisfied or satisfied with their experience at our church.
* 86% said our church had a significant or life-changing impact on their becoming a devoted follower of Jesus.
* 48% invited someone to church in the past year.
* 86% would definitely recommend our church to an unchurched friend. (This equates to an 83 Net Promoter Score, which is
considered world class!)
Those results are incredible, but that’s not all we heard!
Here’s what new guests (those attending less than five times) said…
* 30% heard about North Point Community Church through a personal invite.
* 76% said they would definitely come back.
* 85% would definitely recommend our church to a non-church attendee.
In the write-in comments on the survey, people cited our welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, relevant teaching, and the sense of
belonging they experienced at North Point. They shared about the quality of our children’s and student environments. And
respondents wrote about the significant impact our church has had on their personal growth and their family’s spiritual journey.
Results like these only happen when a group of people are fully committed to and laser-focused on a mission.
Thank you for inviting, serving, giving, leading, and helping us inspire people to follow Jesus.
I love being on mission with you!
See you Sunday,
Andy Stanley
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