Title: “Unlock the Hidden Power Within You”
Date: Thursday, February 8, 2023
Time: 9am PT | 12pm ET
Place: Our swanky Innercise Virtual Ballroom
During this experiential live event, you will…
✅ Prime your brain for more confidence and more certainty in 7 days (or less)
✅ Experience NEW Innercises live – you have to be there for these
✅ Improve your focus to perform at your peak each day
✅ Get a step-by-step tour through the Innercise app, ask me any questions, and get real-time feedback to achieve your goals faster
✅ Discover why your “old habits” can harm your health, wealth, relationships & more
We’re also giving away $10K in cash and prizes to people who participate!
Just RSVP today to confirm your attendance and help our team.
Here’s where to go next: