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Gardyn @ Surprise Your Loved One This Mother’s Day We want to honor all the amazing individuals we call mom who have provided us
with a sense of comfort, support, and love. With Gardyn, you can give the gift of year-round beauty and blooms.
The Gift That Keeps Giving Beautiful in Every Season Grow the most beautiful, nutritious, and unique plants at home. Success
Guaranteed! No Green Thumb Designed for Indoor Required Growing Seamlessly integrates with No soil, no sweat, no the Gardyn app
and smart mess. Grow the same assistant Kelby to grow amount of food as a 1,300 your produce for you. sqg-ft outdoor garden.
Excellent Y Y W W Y Based on customer reviews TRY RISK-FREE FOR 60 DAYS () Free rapid shipping ¢ ) If you don’t love it, return it
for a full refund, no questions asked @ Z-yr warranty on Gardyn Home Kits 2o )Yl affm
Gardyn 8120 Woodmont Avenue Bethesda, MD 20814
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