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Hurricanes Are Not Going Away; We Must Double Down on What’s Making Them More Survivable Connor O’Keeffe Storms like Helene and
Milton ought to drive us to recommit to and expand the very institutions that have made natural disasters more survivable for so
many, not to abandon them out of some false hope that bad weather can be eliminated. READ MORE +
Mute Buttons: Two Ways the School Complex Muzzles Parents and Students Karl Streitel Government education is a self-perpetuating
monster and has been for a long time. While parents and organizations seek accountability, the dynamics driving government
education point to a powerful and unaccountable bureaucracy that serves its own interests. READ MORE +
What the New Jobs Report Really Says Ryan McMaken: September’s job numbers were driven by big increases in government jobs and
part-time work. LISTEN +
Tariffs, Protectionism, and Why Borders Matter People and societies are complex entities. What may work for trade does not
work for open immigration. LISTEN +
The “Fascist” Ad Hominem As an Act of Projection Mussolini: “The fascist conception of life stresses the importance of the State
and accepts the individual only in so far as his interests coincide with the State."
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The Christian Faith in the Thought and Life of Frédéric Bastiat Frédéric Bastiat was a well-known and eloquent defender of liberty
and free-market economics. He also was a devout Catholic who looked to tie his faith to his economic and political beliefs.
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The Many Roads to Liberty What are the philosophical foundations of a libertarian society? There are many possible answers. Lew
Rockwell discusses three of the most important.
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‘What is Capitalism?
What Is Capitalism? Critics of capitalism accuse it of simply being “greed.”
Why American History Is Not What They Say
The state and its creations are not the heroes. The producers of capital, the average people, the voluntary society: these are the
forces that make up civilization.
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