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Purrsue your calling to play with the Campus Kitties box πŸŽ“πŸ“œ

Meow Box sent this email to their subscribers on September 23, 2024.

See what alumni are purring about! Read testimeownials from the Claws of 2024. Image of a black spotted white cat sitting next to the Campus Kitties meowbox (featuring toys like the Catchelor's Degree Catnip Scratcher, Cap & Diplomeow 2-pack, Mewvie Night toys and more) and University of Meow Class of 2024 Yearbook
β€œBest decision I ever made. Lots of treats, no homework.” - *Harvey, Bachelor of Snack Studies*  β€œI found my passion for boxes here.”*- Zac, Master of Cat Contortion Sciences*  β€œI graduated with more than a degreeβ€”I graduated with a boundless supply of energy.” - *Beatrice, PhD in Nocturnal Zoomology*  β€œNow I can get a job to pay my share of rent. Not that I will.” - *Louie, Master of Selective Hearing*  Courses are filling up quickly, so don’t wait to get your paws on the Campus Kitties box!
Sign me up! Image of Campus Kitties meowbox (featuring toys like the Catchelor's Degree Catnip Scratcher, Cap & Diplomeow 2-pack, Mewvie Night toys and more)
To receive this box select "Campus Kitties" at checkout.
Available while quantities last.
@meowbox #themeowlife
202-2323 Quebec St. Vancouver, BC, V5T 4S7
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Text-only version of this email

Sure, here is the extracted text: SEE WHAT ALUMNI ARE PURRING ABOUT Read testimeownials from the Claws of 2024 UNIVERSITY OF MEOW CAP AND DIPLUMA CATLIN meowbox β€œBest decision I ever made. Lots of treats, no homework.” Harvey, Bachelor of Snack Studies β€œI found my passion for boxes here.” Zac, Master of Cat Contortion Sciences Zac Master of Cat Contortion Sciences Beatrice PhD in Nocturnal Zoomology β€œNow I can get a job to pay my share of rent. Not that I will.” Louie, Master of Selective Hearing β€œI graduated with more than a degreeβ€” I graduated with a boundless supply of energy.” Beatrice, PhD in Nocturnal Zoomology Courses are filling up quickly, so don’t wait to get your paws on the Campus Kitties box! SIGN ME UP meowbox @meowbox #themeowlife 202-2233 Quebec St. Vancouver, BC, V5T 4S7
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