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You are subscribed to Multiple Award Schedule for GSA, General Services Administration (External). This information has recently
been updated, and is now available.
On May 21, 2024, GSA began sending MAS refresh notices that highlighted the need for product contractors to review and validate
their contract and also catalog FOB and ARO terms. As of today, we still have hundreds of contractors who have not taken
appropriate action to ensure they are meeting the requirements of GSAR 552.238-86 Delivery Schedule. If you have not taken action,
then this message is for you.
Your products must have ARO terms which correctly correlate with the product FOB term:
* FOB Origin = ARO Ship
* FOB Destination = ARO Deliver
* If you are advertising any FOB Destination priced items as ARO days “Shipped,” you must submit a MOD to update your catalog to
reflect the number of days ARO “Delivered.”
* If you are advertising any FOB Origin priced items as ARO days “Delivered,” you must submit a MOD to update your catalog to
reflect the number of days ARO “Shipped.”
Note: ARO Days are CALENDAR DAYS. You must account for weekends/holidays, your normal business turn times, and normal projected
delivery timelines for your chosen carriers. Failure to account for these variables could result in failure of your Monthly GSS
Delivery Scorecard On-Time Metric.
Incorrect ARO Terms advertised in your catalog are a violation of your contract and could be subject to corrective action. Please
take action immediately to ensure you are advertising accurate and compliant terms on GSA Advantage.
Have questions about anything in this post? Contact us at
[email protected].
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