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Nourish your summer Rt w— d Enjoying seasonal produce? We hope so. GEM works with the nutrients already found in your diet to keep
you healthy.
Inside every Bite The GEM Bite is formulated to address nutrient deficiencies in The Standard American Diet, giving your body
access to a diverse range of vitamins and minerals that synergistically work with the foods you commonly enjoy! ALGAE
(BETA-GLUCAN) & Supports gut + upper respiratory health MUSHROOMS (VITAMIN D2) Supports brain + bone health CHICKPEAS (VITAMIN K2)
Supports bone + heart health TRACE MINERAL SALTS + PUMPKIN SEEDS (ZINC) Supports © = cellular health GOLDEN CHLORELLA Mood +
immune support QUINOA (B COMPLEX) Supports healthy cellular function TURMERIC (CURCUMIN) Supports skin + gut health PREBIOTICS +
PROBIOTICS £ 4 Supports gut health +immune function
Connect with GEM © GEM HEALTH, INC. 2024
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