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Have you ever driven 75 mph on the New York Thruway while getting repeatedly punched in the face?
I did it this weekend, and it was glorious! (Can you sense my sarcasm, Few Will Hunt?)
During my 375-mile drive from Philly to Lake Placid, I passed through three physical U.S. states… and many mind states.
With each neighborhood I drove through, I was punched in the eyes by yard signs:
"Trump For President – Take America Back"
"Kamala For President – Your Vote Is Your Future"
And even…
"Presidents Are Temporary – Wu-Tang Is Forever"
None of these homeowners and their yard signs convinced me of anything— instead, they brought me to a sad realization:
Big government and its candidates have really convinced us that our neighbor is our enemy.
Look, no matter who “wins” today’s election, this fact remains:
Average is the real enemy.
Average has the uncanny ability to attack anything and everything. Your average health, your average habits, and your average
happiness are the real enemies of progress in your life… and in our country.
Your choice of president today doesn’t magically solve your problems or our problems. They’ll still be there on November 6th. So,
how do we really start solving them?
We each become severely allergic to average in our lives.
And while we’re working to do this, guess what? We’ll need to work with our neighbors— in our offices, towns, and country—
regardless of which candidate they supported.
So maybe it’s time we restore and rally around something bigger than a candidate.
Something that builds bridges between us instead of digging trenches around us.
Something that bonds and strengthens us as individuals and, in turn, as a country:
Hard Work
…And we should wear this while we do it.
P.S. Here are 3 ways to refuse average in your life today:
1. Vote. The average person thinks their vote doesn’t matter, and that’s why the average person impacts no one. Value your vote.
We need a clear winner and a peaceful transition of power so we can get to work on our country.
2. Start our 30-for-30 challenge. The month has already started, but that is no excuse. Get out of your comfort zone daily for the
rest of the month. See who you become and how it impacts the average in and around you.
3. Read The Rules of The Few. Choose one and commit to living it today. I suggest Rule No. 3.
Be the change you want to see in the world... and let the world know while you change it. Be one of The Few in our tees or rash
Few Will Hunt is family-owned and operated company in the heart of Philly. Want to know our core values?
Wrote with heart, hands, and hard work at FWH HQ | 4500 Worth St. Philadelphia, PA 19124
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