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Our Thickening Hair Mask is now available for purchase!
3 L 8 0z (227 G)
“NEW” Thickening Hair Mask
✨NEW✨ barrier protection-hydration THICKENING HAIR MASK ✨✨✨
Introducing our amazing silkening, intense thickening cream designed to thicken the hair and make it fuller & more voluminous.
Not only will it help to thicken your hair strands, it will protect your hair. ✨✨✨
Directions: After you shampoo and condition…. Apply the mask over your hair. Let it sit for 10-20 min (for the BEST results sit
with a cap under a dryer) then rinse really well. Your hair will feel AMAZING and fuller!
ETAE | 1000 Easton rd , Wyncote , PA 19095
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