PartnerOn Highlights: Empowering Employees with AI
ContentMX sent this email to their subscribers on December 8, 2023.
PartherOn Your Weekly PartnerOn Highlights
Hello ContentMX,
Happy Friday! PartnerOn brings you educational and exciting content every week from a variety of vendors. This Weekly PartnerOn
Highlights email provides quick links to add new channels and preview campaigns from existing channels that may be new to you.
This week we are featuring the following streaming channels:
* Moving to the Cloud
* Security
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Moving to the Cloud
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Empowering Employees with an Everyday AI Companion
The search for greater productivity and efficiency is eternal in the business world. If you don’t get an edge on how to work
faster and logically, your competition will. And your prospects and customers don’t want to play catch up.
In the Shaping the Future of Work with Microsoft Cloud Solutions campaign, you’ll be sharing information about Microsoft 365
Copilot, a seamless AI companion for work teams.
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Bt Microsoft Digital Defense Report Cost of a Data Breach Report
Delivering Security by Design with Microsoft Windows 11
How can businesses ensure data and application security while supporting hybrid and remote workers? It’s a challenge, but one that
can be successfully met with Microsoft Security solutions.
Help your customers strengthen security by educating them about Microsoft Windows 11 built-in security. Email your customers and
share it over social media to enable your sales team to collect leads.
Want to learn more about opportunities for sharing content through PartnerOn? Sign Up for a Webinar.
To accelerate your sales pipeline, we recommend sharing content every week. Log in to get started.
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